Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jane Bites Back by Michael Thomas Ford

Instead of reading one of the books on my reading list for September, my father presented me with a copy of Jane Bites Back by Michael Thomas Ford. According to the blurb at the end of the book, this is the first in a series.

Jane Austen has finally gotten her last novel published, after 116 rejections over the last 200 years. Suddenly, she is faced with the issues of plagiarism as her original manuscript turns up in the hands of the Brontes' biggest cheerleader. Bigger problems follow when her maker returns to claim her affections and whatever is she going to do about the local carpenter that keeps asking her out on a date.

Probably one of the quickest reads I've had in a long time. I started it this morning and couldn't put it down. Though, it's definitely what I would call a "Beach Read." There isn't anything complex about this novel; it moves very quickly from one event to another with little characterization. I wish there had been a little more depth to the characters and their relationships. However, it is definitely an entertaining read.

Ford touches on the Bronte/Austen feud that has been going on in English Literature classes for years. He gives a nod to the ridiculousness of things like the Jane Austen Cookbook as well as the cleverly written Pride & Prejudice & Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith in our modern world of cross-marketing and movie tie-ins.

I am definitely looking forward to the next novel in this series and would recommend the book to anyone looking for something quick and easy.

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