Sunday, November 30, 2014

Louise de la Valliere by Alexandre Dumas


Now that the turbulence has passed, we're able to see what life at court is really like for the next generation.  Instead of wrestling for power in war, we find the members of the court vying for position through romantic intrigues and political maneuverings.  Focusing more on the Vicomte de Bragelonne and his peers, we're seeing that the older generation has become dissatisfied with the new order, but only Athos is content to retire to his property.


The poor Vicomte de Bragelonne, has been utterly heartbroken and I find it difficult to be angry with Louise de la Valliere.   On the one hand, she didn't realize she wasn't actually in love with Raoul until she fell completely in love with the King.  The King, never having really been loved by a woman, is immediately drawn to Louise.    I am, however, angry with Princess Henrietta for suggesting Louise as a possible cover for the illicit affair she was having with the King.  Without this suggestion, the King would not have been in a position to overhear Louise's confession of love and she might have gone on to marry Raoul after all.  Though, if she wasn't actually in love with the Vicomte then perhaps this was all for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thank you so much for your informative and useful post.
